You should report to the Missionary Training Center at Provo, Utah on Wednesday, 6 May 2009. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language. Your mission president may modify your specific assignment according to the needs of the mission.
You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel. You will be an official representative of the Church. As such, you will be expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and appearance by keeping the commandments, living mission rules, and following the counsel of your mission president. As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. As you serve with all your heart, might, and strength, the Lord will lead you to those who are prepared to be baptized.
The Lord will reward you for the goodness of your life. Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children. We place in you our confidence and pray that the Lord will help you become an effective missionary.
You will be set apart as a missionary by your stake president. Please send your written acceptance promptly, endorsed by your bishop.
Thomas S. Monson, President"
It is official! And I am SO SO SO excited!!! I am, of course, following the trend/tradition of spanish speaking in our family; Joseph (Mexico), Wendy (Argentina), Sam (Venezuela), and Suzan (California) all served spanish speaking missions! Not only that, but every cousin on Dad's side of the family that served went spanish speaking as well.
Grandma Wilson, I guess you were right, huh?
I still can't believe that this is actually happening! It's so crazy to think that I'm going to be a missionary in just less than 3 months!!! Wow. Awesome though. I really cannot describe just how excited I am, but believe you me, I am beyond excited!!!
This is a missionary tag that Mom gave me over Christmas. She doesn't remember where exactly she got it (some ward or stake missionary calling years ago), but she wanted me to have it as kind of a reminder, and something to help me really be able to look forward to my mission! Thanks Mom - I love it!
Here's the video of me opening/reading my call - sorry it doesn't have the very first part where I actually read where I'm going; I really wish it did, but somehow the camera missed that. Anyways, it's just me reading the rest of my letter (through the tears that started as soon as I read "Dear Sister Wilson,"), and then our chatting afterwards. Enjoy!
Thank you everyone for all of your love and support in all of this - it really means the world to me, and I pray that the Lord will pour out His blessings upon you for it.
I Love You All, and I can't wait to LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!
Next up, going through the temple... :D