
Thursday, February 12, 2009

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Just as I was getting out of my Cake Decorating class this morning (about 11:30am), I got 2 text messages from my roommates that said the following:

"You got your call :)" -Tynj'a

"Oh my goodness! Sallie Wilson! You're going on a mission! Not that of course I didn't know this but your call IS HERE" ...and immediately following that, "And might I add...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" -Megan/Bridget

...7 minute pause in blogging... I just ran into another friend of mine and had to tell her too!

So Anyways, I got those texts and immediately FREAKED OUT!!!!! On top of it all though, I still had another class! I had an hour and a half class that I had to go to right then, and attempt to focus in? Yeah right. I immediately texted my parents, my brothers and sisters-in-law, and several close friends. Needless to say, the first few minutes of my class were spent sending and reading texts (I know, I know...that's horribly rude, and terrible manners, but COME ON!!!!!)Even though I knew I wouldn't be going home to open my call right after, I still couldn't focus for the life of me. I had pretty much zero interest in being in that class. Nevermind the fact that it was a test review day, which just made it even worse!

Never fear though, I made it through. Now granted, I got out of there as soon as I possibly could!

If any of you read this before then, I will be opening my call around 5:30 or 6:00pm my time (MST) tonight! I would open it right away, but I'm waiting for some very important people to be available because I love them and want them to be a part of that. They are VERY lucky that I love them so much!

It's stinking hard to wait though!!!!!

To "distract" myself (and keep myself from opening it before tonight), I'm staying on campus, and will attempt to maybe study for my upcoming tests. We'll see how well that goes, huh? I DO have class (Women's Choir) from 3:15-4:15, and then I short meeting at 4:30, so that will help take up some time too.

Actually, I think I will take sometime to study my scriptures and prepare a little more spiritually before I open it tonight. That will help too--both to hopefully calm me down a little as well as help prepare me. This is a call from the Lord, after all.

Yeah, that's a good idea.


I can't believe it's here!!! Nine days. It took a grand total of NINE DAYS for my call to come! Actually, technically only about eight and a half considering the fact that my papers went in Tuesday night!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! Like I said in the last entry--it's all pins and needles now that it's actually here!

Oh, and Joseph sent me a text earlier that said, "Aaron said you are going to the "temple" mission"

Even my 3 year old nephew thinks I'm going to temple square!

Come 6:00pm tonight, we'll find out for sure!!!

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